Dr. Farzana Hossain
Gynaecologist (Obstetric)
MBBS (Dhaka), MRCOG (UK)
Consultant , Department of Obs, Gynae and Infertility
Impulse Hospital
Dr. Farzana Hossain is a Gynaecologist in Dhaka. Her credentials include MBBS (Dhaka), MRCOG (UK). She is employed at Uttara Crescent Hospital & Diagnostic Center . She treats her patients at Uttara Crescent Hospital & Diagnostic Center on a regular basis.
Gynaecology (Obstetrics)
The area of medicine called gynecology is concerned with the health of women's reproductive systems.
A gynecologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases that affect a woman's uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and breasts.
- MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
- Consultant - Impulse Hospital.
- Abortion / Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)
- All Gynae Surgery
- Cosmetic Laser Gynaecologist
- Fetomaternal Medicine
- Gynae Check Up
- Gynae Problems
- Gynaec Laparoscopy
- Gynaecological Endoscopy
- Gynec Advices
- Gynecologic Oncology
- Gynecomastia Treatment / Surgery
- Maternal Care
- Maternal Care/ Checkup
- Maternal Fetal Medicine
- Maternity Care
- Advice To Pregnant Women
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40 Rabindra Sarani, 7 Uttara, Uttara Purbo, Dhaka, 1230, Bangladesh
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