Dr. Maoshreela Dewan
Dermatologist (Skin & Sex)
MBBS, DDV, BCS (Health)
Consultant , Department of Dermatology
Salauddin Specialized Hospital Ltd.
Dr. Maoshreela Dewan is a Dermatologist in Dhaka.His credentials include MBBS, DDV, BCS (Health).He is employed at Salauddin Specialized Hospital Ltd. He treats his patients at Salauddin Specialized Hospital Ltd. on a regular basis.
Dermatology is the field of medicine dealing with the skin and sexual problems. A dermatologist is a medical doctor who manages diseases related to skin, hair, nails, some cosmetic problems, and sexual problems.
- MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
- DDV - Diploma in Dermatology & Venereology.
- BCS (Health) - Bangladesh Civil Service.
- Consultant - Salauddin Specialized Hospital Ltd.
- Acne Problems
- Alopecia Areata
- Atopic Dermatitis Treatment
- Dermatitis Treatment
- eczema
- Herpes Simplex (Cold Sores)
- Herpes zoster (shingles)
- Impetigo
- Psoriasis Treatment
- Rosacea
- Skin Allergies
- treatment for ringworm
- Vitiligo
- Cellulitis
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4/A, Hatkhola Road, Tikatuli, Wari, Gendaria, Dhaka, 1203, Bangladesh
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